Kushi Kushi Koo Night, Thursday 27th January 2005
Well, we have now done sushi, shabu and teppanyaki, so now we are going to try yet another really exotic style of Japanese cooking. It is completely different from what you would expect from Japanese food, yet it is done with a certain, well, Japanese flair that I found really very delicate and interesting. For example, the sauces that come with the food is "mapped" with the tray where the food lands. Yes, it lands on little sections of your plate and you dip the "kushi" into the sauce dish which has the same "map" as your plate. Oh, it's simple once you see it in action but a little tricky to explain. Just suffice to know that this chain has only 3 kushi restaurants in the whole world: Tokyo, Kobe and... Berlin.We have talked to the manageress and was told that she was not allowed to give discounts, under pain of death. But we have organised a set menu (vegetarian option included) for 25 EUR per person and Ms Tomoko has also kindly consented to offer us some free additional food during the night, just in case the 15 assorted varieties of kushi is not enough. By the way, I should inform you that kushi is COOKED food so there is no raw stuff of any kind. The place caters for total vegetarians and I must admit that the vegetarian kushi is bloody good, even though I hate green stuff in general.The place is called Kushinoya, Bleibtreustrasse 6, 10623 Berlin. Website is www.kushinoya.jp. The place is really small and cannot seat too many people, 12-14 maximum, we have been informed, so if you want to try some really nice exotic Japanese kushi, well you know what to do, and quick! The date is Thursday, 27th January 2005, and as per our custom, we will meet up first at a cocktail bar nearby before heading off for dinner at 20:00.The email address, as usual, is chris@berlindinnerclub.com and the first dozen-odd persons who email me will get on the dinner list. Everyone else will just have to read about it and look at the pictures afterwards. Simple as that.See you all soon!Chris
How it went on the night...I guess one can call it an interesting night as very few people expected the type of food served. Service was nice and pleasant and one cannot really complain about anything, apart from the hidden grunts of "more food would be nice" but then that would be greedy. Well, I think so, and I will not mention the names of those two who ordered extra kushis. No, I won't say who they are at all, even though we all know, don't we? :o)
Anyway, have a look at the pictures (taken after the food regrettably) and one can assume that we all had a jolly time. Well, you'd be right. Some of us strolled over later to the A-Trane for some jazz and we had an even jollier time!
more food! Verena Christine Jessica Greg Nice girls Kirsty & Tamara A-Trane