Not-A-Greek Dinner Night, Thursday 22nd July 2004
As Greece won the Euro 2004 football competition, I thought it would be the natural thing to have a Greek dinner to honour this unique event. So I moseyed around a few Greek restaurants and basically came to the conclusion that, no, we won't do a Greek dinner after all. But we had to compromise somehow, so the best I can do is come up with a very reasonably-priced Vietnamese restaurant with a Greek-sounding name. Well, it almost sounds like a one-eyed Greek beast. At least it does to me but then I'm not very good in Greek mythology.
Anyway, for July's dinner, we will venture to the depths of Wilmersdorf and sample the culinary pleasures of Cyclo, a very cool bar and restaurant in Saschsischestrasse 72, 10707 Berlin. It is a very reasonably priced place, where some of the main courses are less than 10 EUR, and it also has a very good, but limited, wine list. But trust me, the wines on the list are worth every cent they charge, and they charge a lot less than anywhere else. So it's not just good Vietnamese food we will be trying there but some fine wines at almost wholesale prices. Incredible, but true. It's the sort of place where you'll be taking your visitors and friends and family for years afterwards, a bit like Oktogon. And they also have a limited vegetarian menu for those of you who don't like eating healthy lumps of meat.
So, you all know the usual procedure by now. If you want to come along, send me an email tout suite and the lucky first few persons will get on the list for July's dinner. It's not a big place so get your emails to me as soon as you can if you want to come along. I have only a booking for 10 persons at the moment but we might extend the booking if possible. Once again, the dinner is on the evening of Thursday, July 22, 2004 and the persons that make the July list will get a confirmation email from me about where and when we will meet that evening.
After dinner, well, there are a few unusual places we can visit around the area. I have been informed that there is a place where extremely friendly women are just itching to meet people (men). Alternatively, we can stroll to one of my favourite places where the DJ insults everyone and the tables bounce up and down unexpectedly. Up to you...
How it went on the night
One thing that always annoys me is how certain places would be able to provide a wonderful service for a small group of people but once more than 6 people turned up at a table, then everything goes pear-shaped. Overall, I have to confess that the place just couldn't cope with the 20-odd people who came for the dinner, although in the end, everyone got what they ordered, albeit quite a bit slower than expected. Oh well. But at least the food was pretty good and plentiful (and some people even took doggie bags home!) and the cocktails were cheap and plentiful, at least, when they finally arrived. Can't complain too much in the end, and it's definitely a place to go again, but only in small groups. Don't forget this!
After dinner, we had some cultural indoctrination at Klo where some new people to Berlin were introduced to German toilet humour. Literally. And hard-core cartoons. And strange drinking containers...
Chit chat
Serious food
Hard work...
At work again
Still at work