Double bill for November! Venezuelan (11th)
It seems that everybody disappears around December so I thought we would have 2 dinners in November and skip the one for December, just so that we can say we do a dinner 12 times a year. It's cheating a bit but then I do that all the time anyway, especially at work. I mean, do you think I actually know anything about my job? ;o)Venezuelan Dinner, 11th November 2005
So we will kick off with a special Venezuelan dinner organised by a friend of Ana. This is typical Venezuelan food, not found anywhere outside of Venezuela, except this one place in Berlin. The menu looks like this:
Arepitas con queso - maismehlbrötchen mit Käsedip
Pabellón - zerkrümeltes Rindfleisch mit Reis, Avocados, Schafskäse, Bratbananen, schwarzen Bohnen und Maismehlbrot
Quesillo - traditionelles venezolanisches Dessert
So you can see yourself how different it is from the usual TexMex or South American food! The place is called CasCreole at Skalitzer Strasse 81, in Kreuzberg. This dinner is scheduled for the evening of the 11th November 2005. The price is also fixed at 18 Euros per person for the dinner, excluding drinks, and believe me, you get a lot of interesting food for the money! You will also get to meet the lady Venezuelan cook and you can ask her yourself why she wears a white towel around her head all the time. :o) Places are plentiful, around 18 persons or so, and we will be eating on sofas off little tables, so it is a nice interesting atmosphere.
See you all soon!
ChrisHow it went on the night...
The food was ample and according to people who know, pretty authentic. I have got to say that the black bean sauce was most unusual and really very nice. And the beef was cooked in a way which I have never tried before so overall, it was a good experience. The relaxed seating arrangements meant that it was pretty easy to mix around and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. The service was a trifle slow so we got out too late to be able to anything much afterwards. Oh well. There is always next week!
Ana's hand